Browsing Holy Trinity e-Communications

Happy Easter!

Posted by Holy Trinity on 4/17/19

Read our new e-newsletter: Happy Easter!

Why Are We Filled with Hope? [Parishioner Reflection]

Posted by Holy Trinity on 4/15/19

  Sometimes it seems like we live in a hopeless society. Not so much that we’re doomed to failure, but that are we a people without real hope in our lives. We all have little things we look forward to in life, whether it’s an upcoming vacation or the ... Read More »

Rounding the Home Stretch!

Posted by Holy Trinity on 4/12/19

Read our new e-newsletter: Rounding the Home Stretch!

I've Got a Confession to Make...

Posted by Holy Trinity on 4/03/19

Read our new e-newsletter: I've Got a Confession to Make...

Make the Castle of Your Heart Stronger [Parishioner Reflection]

Posted by Holy Trinity on 4/01/19

  As parents, we like to give good things to our kids.  We make sacrifices for them and try to give them the best—from buying organic food to driving hours so your child can attend a sports competition.   When I was a child, I loved receiving gifts.  What ... Read More »

Fires of Love, Fires of Hell

Posted by Holy Trinity on 3/29/19

Read our new e-newsletter: Fires of Love, Fires of Hell

Save Us from the Fires of Hell [Parishioner Reflection]

Posted by Holy Trinity on 3/24/19


I was driving along Cohoes-Crescent Road on a Monday evening. Suddenly, I saw a blazing fire up on the hill to my left. Fear seized me at first but after a second or two I concluded that the fire was controlled. It must have been intentional burning of ... Read More »

Fasting? No meat? Where do I stand?

Posted by Holy Trinity on 3/24/19

Read our new e-newsletter: Fasting? No meat? Where do I stand?

Why I Give Something Up [Parishioner Reflection]

Posted by Holy Trinity on 3/20/19

I have a small list of sacrifices. On it are small, ordinary things I do each day or week out of love. Perhaps the hardest one each day is the first: getting up on time. Admittedly, this is often times the one I struggle with the most. Other ... Read More »

Off and Running

Posted by Holy Trinity on 3/14/19

Read our new e-newsletter: Off and running